Community News Archive

May 2006 – Magazine Scam

There is a scam going on in the neighborhood. A young man is going door to door selling magazine subscriptions, saying he is a nephew of someone else in the neighborhood (he got their name from going to their house before yours).

He claims he is raising money for the CU Drama Club. A call placed to the CU Drama department has confirmed that they are not involved in any fund raiser, especially one selling magazines door-to-door. There was a news report on FoxNews of the same scam taking place in Ft. Collins. In those cases, they were actually stealing identities after receiving personal checks from the victims. The police have been contacted regarding the latest in Bannockburn. We need to get the word out to as many neighbors as possible.

Please contact Amy Maier if you would like more information.

Summer 2008 – Burglaries is Franktown

Our neighborhood had a few robberies occur within Bannockburn and surrounding neighborhoods last year. The board would like to remind all residents to Be Alert, Stay Vigilant, note any unusual activity and any suspicious vehicles around your home and your neighbors. We need to make it difficult for them to hit another Franktown resident. If you see activity, phone the Douglas County Sherriff’s Department Immediately at 303-660-7579. The more calls they get the more likely they are to patrol our area. Also, email Amy Maier any activity you see or report so she can update everyone on our mailing list and/or post it to Email address:

February 2009 – Mail Stolen

We had mail stolen from a mail box in Bannockburn, In addition, someone showed up at their front door, (when the parents were not home) with torn up mail, saying that they had found open letters blowing around in their yard. Unfortunately the kids didn’t know the person.

This gives us all concern on several levels: First, watch your mail boxes and your neighbors and watch the cars driving in your subdivision, Second, report any unusual activity to the DougCo Sheriff’s Dept-they have said that even small bits of information can be compiled into a profile that can track down the criminals, and Third, warn your kids about opening doors to strangers-even though this might have been a good Samaritan in returning their mail, it was worrisome that the kids didn’t recognize the person.

According to the last conversation I had with one of the DougCO deputies, drug users love to hit mail boxes, and easy homes to break into. Make it hard for them! Right now, my husband and I are looking at mailboxes that need to use a key to open, or getting a p.o. box at the post office. Keep alert & watch your neighborhood! Report by Amy Maier on Franktown

BHOA Monthly Meetings:

Bannockburn’s homeowner board meetings are held at 7 PM on the second Wednesday  of each month. The community is always invited and welcome to attend any of these meetings. The meetings are in person at the Franktown Fire Departmentlocated at the SW corner of Parker Rd and Rt. 86.   All residents are welcome to attend.

January 2024 Agenda
February 2024 Agenda
March 2024 Agenda
April 2024 Agenda
May 2024 Agenda
June 2024 Agenda
July 2024 Agenda


Quick News

Something else you'd like to see posted here? Please send an email to : Franktown water concerns,  this website contains  information on the Independence development and related water issues.

2023 Annual Meeting
(October 21st, Franktown Fire Station, 11am-2pm)

Note to Homeowners: The nominating committee has recommended Michelle Rozeboom, a former board member, to be considered for the bannockburn HOA board beginning with the close of the annual meeting on October 21. Michelle has confirmed her interest and willingness to serve. At the present time no other candidates have been presented by the committee. This notice will serve to notify the Secretary and board members of Michele’s interest and intent. Jack Shuler, Nathan Toland and John Edwards have elected to continue to serve another term. Including Michelle these 4 candidates will fill our board membership.

2023 Annual Meeting Agenda
Annual Meeting Letter to Homeowners